The Verdict - Casey Anthony

Now that the outrage over Casey Anthony's acquittal has subsided a bit, I've had time to reflect on the verdict, the outrage and our criminal justice system. As a civil trial lawyer who hasn't tried a criminal case in many years, I found myself initially stunned at the verdict, but dismayed as well. Not dismayed at the verdict, but at the reaction of what seemed like the entire country, and even my very knowledgeable colleagues. I personally can't say either way that the Anthony jury got it wrong or right. And I find that most people's reaction to the verdict to be arrogant, based upon little or no information and driven by the media. Everyone who was outraged by this "travesty of justice" did all of their research on the case through their local and evening news. In a criminal case, do you realize how little information that is and that you receive the information in the format and from the perspective of the news station delivering the news? And with t...