Seattle Motorcycle Injuries & Insurance

We all know that Seattle is a dangerous place to drive a car, or especially be a pedestrian. While Washington's new cell phone law is a start, a very SMALL and almost useless start in my opinion, there are still many distracted driver's out there that don't see other cars, trucks or pedestrians. And if you drive a motorcycle, you probably feel that there is some cloaking shield around you that makes you and your motorcycle invisible! If driver's can't " see " a SUV, they certainly won't see you on your bike. Ok, so now your motorcycle is a total loss and you have severe injuries and can't work. So how do you pay for your medical bills? If you are in your car, you simply use your personal injury protection (which everyone should have) to pay for your medical bills. But unfortunately, you discover that you do not have PIP coverage on your motorcycle, since no insurance company offers that coverage for motorcycles. While I haven't researched th...